Sunday 1 March 2009

[every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back I hope you feel it]

From my experience at Gillian and Annie's house party last night, I won't be drinking Long Island Iced Teas for a while. Or if I do, I certainly won't then drink cider mixed with vodka + orange afterwards. It might taste nice, but I will end up horrendously and stupidly drunk again. And as much as I enjoy being drunk, that was stupid levels of drunkenness. People were actually concerned about me. And I was just generally being stupid and annoying and have vague memories of flirting far too much with Michael. God.

What is wrong with me? I admit that I'm a flirt, but why does my flirting go into insane overdrive when I get drunk? I should stop this. Yes. I will.
Although I think I might have made that as a New Year's Resolution last year, and it failed miserably. 

I'm tired, but am not in the mood to go to bed. This is unfortunate. I had very little sleep last night. I've no idea what time I went to bed (4am-ish, I guess), but I was fully awake by 8am. I tried to get back to sleep but it just wouldn't work. That's happening to me way too much after I've been drinking. I woke up still drunk, so gulped down loads of water and then walked to Oxfam in an attempt to walk off the remnants of drink.

I stole someone's cookies while I was on the till. But, you know, it was their fault for leaving the packet behind the counter. If you leave cookies unattended, you must expect them to be eaten. It's just how it works.

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